Thursday, March 8, 2012

Ileana Chapa Craviotto - Por la mañana - Televisa Toluca.

Ileana Chapa Craviotto - Por la mañana - Televisa Toluca.
Ileana Chapa Craviotto, consultora de imagen por televisa toluca además de salir en radio por el 1130 de AM. en el programa del conductor Alejandro Maldonado los dias viernes, ahora aparece por Televisa Toluca, en el programa "Por la mañana" martes y jueves. El tema de hoy: El saludo.

20 gallon reef tank

20 gallon reef tank
2 Clowns, 2 scooter blenny,1 dottyback,1 cleaner shrimp, 15-20 blue leg hermit crab, 10 snails, 29 pounds of live rock, torch coral, elegance coral, candycane coral, frogspawn, kenya tree coral,pagoda coral, 1 bubble tip anemone that the clowns are hosting, 1 rock anemone, and 3 feather duster worms. For equipment i use a 20-50 gallon aqua clear power filter and a cheap walmert filter that i only put filter floss in. My lighting is a T5 fixture one 420 actinic bulb and one 10000k daylight bulb, i also have kinda hidden in there is my heater and a in tank uv sterilizer that works great. The tank has been running for about 8 months well established I do weekly water changes of 2 gallons it keeps everyone healthy This video was taken 15 minutes after the lights had come on

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