Plot: Four girls, from Vancouver, take the plane to New York for their study. In the plane, are the boys of Big Time Rush. They come back from their movie shooting and take the plane to New York for their tour "Music sounds better with you". The plane crashes, and the girls feel braved to help everybody out of the plane. In the night when the plane crashes, and everyone is standing outside, staring at the burning plane, BTR and the girls fall in love, and their life continues. Real Li Pleas... James Li: (TheNoesie1) Noesha Mason (Emilie Nereng) Kendall Li: (StorayJury) Carmen Miller (Lulu Antariska) Carlos Li: Logan Li: (deelvan) Bella Monroe (Selena Gomez) People Who Are In The Plane: 1#: (justinbieberlove811) Rose Michaels (Lucy Hale) (not dead) 2#: (forevercat4life) Catherine (Kimmy Hays) (dead) 3#: (MissYellyFish) Melissa Wilson (Ariana Grande) (dead) 4#: (dead/not dead?!) 5#: (dead/not dead?!)