Thursday, March 8, 2012

20 gallon reef tank

20 gallon reef tank

2 Clowns, 2 scooter blenny,1 dottyback,1 cleaner shrimp, 15-20 blue leg hermit crab, 10 snails, 29 pounds of live rock, torch coral, elegance coral, candycane coral, frogspawn, kenya tree coral,pagoda coral, 1 bubble tip anemone that the clowns are hosting, 1 rock anemone, and 3 feather duster worms. For equipment i use a 20-50 gallon aqua clear power filter and a cheap walmert filter that i only put filter floss in. My lighting is a T5 fixture one 420 actinic bulb and one 10000k daylight bulb, i also have kinda hidden in there is my heater and a in tank uv sterilizer that works great. The tank has been running for about 8 months well established I do weekly water changes of 2 gallons it keeps everyone healthy This video was taken 15 minutes after the lights had come on